In medical technology than anywhere else, there is less room for compromise when it comes to cleanliness. Cleaning of parts alone is often not enough here; process safety and surface protection are also crucial.
For validation of the processes, archiving or a printout of the selected cleaning programmes is just as essential as the use of stainless steel in all machine parts, which come into contact with the cleaning medium.
In the special version with hatch, the system is designed as an airlock, as a separation of the grey room from the clean room. The cleaning chamber can be loaded
and unloaded from both sides.
Optimised cleaning technology can significantly increase quality and efficiency. With REK, you can rely on the highest standards.
due to precisely fitting inserts
for different parts
guarantees maximum purity and durability
to validate the processes
for optimal process reliability
We employ a variety of processes to clean, rinse and dry a most varied range of medical components, such as implants or instruments. Even areas that are difficult to reach, such as cavities, are no problem. By using a solvent-based cleaning medium with a special formulation, without boosters and stabilisers, we achieve very low TOC values on the cleaned parts.